Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shape Project

For this project, we were learning about designing figures in a format and establishing a visual relationship between these figures. We had to use overlapping, interlocking, mutual tension, abutting, and continuity. We also worked with forming a figure ground relationship. The white ground had to be an active element, meaning that it had to support the overall design, rather than just being a frame around the figure.

The design above is supposed to fit the parameters of the first design we had to do for this project. The parameters were to, "Cut a 4 inch black square of construction paper. Then cut it to make a flat, non objective design on white 8 by 10 paper. Cut and arrange it so that viewers will not recognize the original square." I used mutual tension in the circle of the middle of all the triangles and between the long rectangle and all the triangles. I used a little overlapping in the section with the triangles as well to make is feel like a continuous circle of triangles. 

I actually had a lot of fun with the design above. The parameters of this design were to use the 4 inch square and cut it up into pieces and make a flat abstract design on 8 by 10 ground and destroy the identity of the square. I began cutting bits and when I cut the "trunk" of the tree by total accident, I realized it looked like the trunk of a tree. I made the tree barren and added one lone leaf because it shows the autumn season coming, and the lone leaf symbolizes how it is coming very slowly for me. I love fall and I feel like it is taking a really long time for it to roll around this year. 

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